April 12, 2022

Doing Missions in Difficult Contexts – Book Launch

Happy Easter! It is with joy to announce the release of my new book:

“Doing Missions in Difficult Contexts”

by Wipf and Stock Publishers (Resource Publications).

Helpful Resource

Patrick Johnstone, the author of Operation World, predicts that the global church of the 21st century will be more than likely facing a continuous share of suffering to those who live for Christ just as in the past. War, pandemic, natural disaster, persecution, lawsuit, and post-postmodernism ... How do you do missions amid such challenging circumstances? [Doing Missions in Difficult Contexts] provides the nuggets gleaned from thirty years of experience and research made out of my mission works for three different continents. The book is full of stories of those faithful co-laborers who serve with us despite various degrees of Christian sufferings around the world. The suffering of Christ for our salvation and the sufferings of those who serve today for the cause of the world mission continue to build God’s kingdom on earth and make this world a better place.

Once again, Eunice and I thank you for believing in the vision of EAPTC and standing with us and our team through your ongoing prayers and financial support. This book will make a great Easter gift for you and your loved ones as we reflect the passion of Christ during this time of the year. I trust it will rekindle your love for God and his people.


Doing Missions in Difficult Contexts: Omnidirectional Missions

by Paul Sungro Lee

🛒 Available now in Paperback and Kindle on Amazon.com, and a book trailer below.

Thank you for your support and prayer!

- Dr. Paul Lee (& Eunice)