After witnessing 59 Christian leaders to get commissioned at the April graduation of International Graduate School of Leadership back to their own countries, many of which are located in the 10/40 Windows, I’ve been heavily occupied with preaching and teaching ministry for church leaders of Korea, England, and Malawi, both face-to-face and online.
In April and May, I gave special lectures to a group of Korean missionary candidates in Seoul who were soon to be dispatched by EAPTC Korea to East Asia. The sessions were productive although it was my first time to try real-time teaching by online video chat. I thank God that such unprecedented technology tools have been given to the Body of Christ for the world mission in this generation.
In June, I made an actual journey of nearly 50,000 km in distance (Just FYI, this is longer than the earth circumference of 40,075 km!). First, I was in Liverpool, England, participating and giving a talk at the Lausanne Global Diaspora Network consultation. Scholars and practitioners from various evangelical mission communities were represented from all corners of the world.
Afterward, I connected from Europe to Africa where the first love for the world mission glowed for Eunice and me. The last time I was in Lilongwe, Malawi was 10 years ago. I was warmly welcomed by the family of Rev. Musa Aringo, the Central/Southern Africa director for EAPTC. My heart was deeply moved as I went around and witnessed what God has done further in that beloved nation for the past decade. Many of our 300+ alumni of the Bible training centers have faithfully multiplied disciples and borne fruits of church planting and social outreaches. The work has been spread now over to neighboring countries of Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa. It was such a joyful experience to minister at a Bible training center graduation ceremony and ordination service of two additional pastors whom the Lord has tested and installed for his churches.
By the way, churches in East Asia are indeed being tested at the moment. All our Bible training centers in the nation have presently halted the classes due to severe oppression of the government on missionary-connected Christian activities. We witness that while one part of Christ’s body rejoices the other suffers for his name. Our East Asian counterpart can surely use your prayers in this challenging season.
In July and August, I’ll be flying to Korea and U.S. with Timothy who is now going to college in Virginia. If you’re in the areas, it’ll be great to see you and also minister to God’s people as He leads. Thank you for partnering with us for the Great Commission and in this meaningful ministry. Your prayers and givings make this possible.
Serving the nations with you,
Dr. Paul Lee (& Eunice)